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Marietta Independent Learning Experience (MILE)

Gifted student – a student who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities (GA Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38).

The mission of the Marietta City Schools’ Gifted Education program is to identify, challenge, support, and inspire gifted and talented students through differentiated learning opportunities designed to meet their unique academic, social, and emotional needs.

The purpose of gifted programming is to provide gifted education services to students who have the potential for exceptional academic achievement in grades K-12.

Marietta City Schools makes available for review by the public and the Georgia Department of Education, a copy of its administrative procedures for the operation of its gifted education program and gifted curriculum. For more information, contact Dr. Jennifer Hernandez, Executive Director of Academic Achievement, at

For further information about gifted services, click on any of the links listed on the left navigation panel (or drop-down menu above on mobile).  

The name of Marietta City Schools Gifted Program is MILE (Marietta Independent Learning Experiences). The name communicates the program mission, purpose, and goals in that gifted students will learn about, utilize, and apply the skills of independent learning to become lifelong learners.

Marietta City Schools’ students will be referred, assessed, and identified for gifted services. Through participation in the gifted program, students will have opportunities to meet their unique needs.

  1. Advanced Research Skills: Students will develop and utilize advanced research skills on various topics.

  2. Creative Thinking Skills: Students will develop and utilize creative thinking through a variety of products and problem solving.

  3. Higher Order Thinking and Problem Solving Skills: Students will develop and utilize critical thinking, higher order thinking, logical thinking and problem solving skills in various situations.

  4. Advanced Communication and Collaboration Skills: Students will develop advanced communication and collaboration skills in working toward a common goal with shared accountability for the final outcome.

  5. Emotional Development of Self: Students will develop an understanding of self and how one’s unique abilities influence interactions with others.

  6. Self-directed Learner: Students will become self-directed, independent learners.

Marietta City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, gender, or any other reason not related to their individual capabilities in the educational programs and activities which it operates.


Dr. Jennifer Hernandez
Executive Director
of Academic Achievement
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (770) 422-3500

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Please download and complete forms and return to the Gifted lead teacher at your school.

MILE Gifted Students Parent Referral

MILE Gifted Students Parent Referral - Spanish

MILE Gifted Students Parent Referral - Portuguese

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