Facility Rental
The Board of Education of the City of Marietta encourages the use of school buildings and grounds by the community for educational, recreational, civic, and cultural activities to the extent possible under the law, Board policy, and regulations. The Board believes that school facilities are an important resource in developing and sustaining lifelong learning, promoting intergovernmental cooperation, and encouraging citizen participation in community activities.
When space is available at times that do not interfere with Marietta City Schools instructional programs, student activities, or activities of school-related groups, community members may reserve school facilities on a scheduled basis. Please refer to Facility Rental Terms and Conditions.
The priority for community use of facilities is assigned in the following order:
- MCS instructional and extracurricular programs
- School-related groups such as PTA, PTO, booster club, private tutoring, and school-business partners operating under special provisions and partnerships
- The City of Marietta government entities
- Others not for profit and for profit organizations, when space is available, including:
- youth groups
- organizations
- cultural and civic groups
- colleges and universities
- religious organizations
- state and federal agencies
- private organizations, and
- commercial entities.
Have questions? Please contact the Community Use school contact at (678) 695-7257.
Facility Rental Contact
To book an MCS facility or register with our new system FlowPath, please contact Devlin Dennis for more information:
Devlin Dennis
Executive Secretary
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (678) 695-7257
Facility Rental Resources
Motion Picture, Film, Video and Photography (“film”)
Thank you for your interest in Marietta City Schools’ property as a possible filming location. Marietta City Schools understands the importance of the film industry to the local economy and the benefit it can provide to our students interested in a career in film and film production. Please complete and submit Guidelines and Application for Use of Facilities for Motion Picture, Film, Video and Photography.
The Performing Arts Center at Marietta High School
The Performing Arts Center on the campus of Marietta High School (MPAC) is a facility of Marietta City Schools This facility is available to the community for cultural and educational events as the schedule allows, subject to the terms and conditions.