Bus Safety
MCS Deploys School Bus Stop Arm Safety Initiative
Marietta City Schools (MCS) and American Traffic Solutions (ATS) are deploying CrossingGuard®, ATS' new technology to help school districts address the growing problem of illegal passing of stopped school buses that are boarding or disembarking children. In 2011, Georgia passed legislation to permit counties to equip school buses with video cameras to catch drivers who illegally drive by school buses when they stop to pick up or drop off students.
Bus Safety Is Every Student's Responsibility
According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), "School buses remain one of the safest forms of transportation in the United States." However, proper student behavior while on the bus leads to a safe environment for everyone and plays an important role in bus safety.
Brian Wallace
School Safety & Emergency Management
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
(770) 422-3500 ext. 5072