Discipline Policy
Marietta City Schools Discipline Policy
The Board of Education in conjunction with its professional staff assumes the responsibility for maintaining proper control and discipline over pupils placed under its control and care. Principals and teachers shall exercise good judgment in dealing with student discipline.
Control of the child in the classroom is the responsibility of the classroom teacher. The teacher’s patience and consistency are essential in maintaining an environment in which the child can learn. The building principal shall exercise reason in the final disposition of a disciplinary problem. He shall counsel with the pupil, teacher, parents, and counselor in reaching a decision which will ultimately benefit the child.
Any teacher who has knowledge that a student has exhibited behavior that repeatedly or substantially interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate to students in the classroom or with the students’ ability to learn, is required to file a report to the principal’s office. The report shall not exceed one page and shall describe the behavior of the student. The principal or designee shall send a copy of the report to parents within one school day of receiving it and will include information on how the parents may contact the principal or designee. The principal or designee shall also provide a written notification of disciplinary action taken to both the parent and the teacher within one school day. (O.C.G.A. 20-2-737).
Discipline Policy and Code Documents
Brittney Bridges
Executive Director of Innovative Practices
(678) 695-7216
Sanchia Stewart
Executive Assistant
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (678) 695-7285