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Federal Programs

As a department, we evaluate and implement federal programs that will result in a higher quality of education for all of our MCS students.

With these and other programs, our department can:

  • Share resources, information, and internal professional processes throughout the district that fulfill federal and state requirements and are effective in ensuring fiscal compliance.
  • Encourage communication and collaboration throughout the district to align school programs and finance components to continuous improvement processes.
  • Provide technical assistance and guidance to schools and central office departments on program monitoring and Federal guidelines which outline various processes.
  • Build the capacity of district and school leaders to support and implement sustainable and effective Title I programs that meet all program and fiscal requirements.

McKinney Vento

Eligibility for McKinney Vento is determined by the District’s Office of Innovative Practices. Referrals need to go through the students local school. The school Homeless Liaison works closely with the district office staff to assure families are identified. McKinney Vento is determined for one school year at a time. A new SRS Form should be completed each year for consideration.

For more information, contact your school's Homeless Liaison or visit GaDoe's McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program.

Links to Specific Federal Programs

Parent and Family Engagement

Parent and family engagement is an ongoing process that increases active participation, communication, and collaboration between parents, schools, and communities with the goal of educating the whole child to ensure student achievement and success.

District Parent Liaison

Yvette Thomas (English, Español)
(678) 428-9481

Facebook: @MCSDistrictLiaisons

Instagram: @mcsdistrictliaisons

X/Twitter: @MCSLiaisons