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Parent Mentor

The Parent-Mentor Partnership is a parent-driven initiative supported by the Georgia Department of Education for Exceptional Students and Marietta City Schools. Parent mentors are parents of children with disabilities. Marietta City Schools’ parent-mentor program helps provide parents of students with disabilities information, guidance, and resources to support students at home, at school, and in their communities. Each school year, we offer parent training and informational sessions about topics important to students with disabilities and their families. We collaborate with school administrators and teachers, supporting educators in their efforts to help families and students plan for and achieve their educational and post-secondary goals.

What Does a Parent Mentor Do?

  • Promotes partnership between parents, educators, and the community
  • Guides parents through the special education process
  • Provides confidential support for parental concerns and questions
  • Supplies information on special education services and procedures offered in our school system
  • Provides a parent’s perspective to educators
  • Provides information about resources available in our community and state

When Should I Call a Parent Mentor?

  • If you have questions regarding the special education process
  • If you need to talk confidentially with another parent about your concerns
  • If you need information about community services that can assist you and your child
  • If you want to become more involved with your child’s educational success and transition after completing school

Call or email our Parent Mentor, Lauren Graves, at (770) 422-3500, ext. 7267, or
