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Marietta City Schools continues to lead literacy growth

Marietta City Schools continues to lead literacy growth

MARIETTA, GA – Just released test scores show that Marietta City Schools (MCS) continues to show strong success and consistent growth in elementary reading. MCS remains a statewide leader in literacy, as evidenced by the Georgia Department of Education replicating Marietta’s approach to structured literacy and developing the reading brain. 

The district’s unwavering commitment to the science of reading has shown significant reading progress over the last two years in our elementary schools as compared to the state of Georgia and metro Atlanta.

  • 3rd Grade Reading: 9% growth in “Proficient” and “Distinguished” Learners (compared to 2% for both the state of Georgia and metro Atlanta)

  • 4th Grade Reading: 6% growth (compared to a 1% decrease for the state of Georgia and no change for metro Atlanta)

  • 5th Grade Reading: 5% growth (compared to 7% for the state of Georgia and 6% for metro Atlanta)

                                                          2022-2024 ELA Milestones Growth


MCS Proficient/Distinguished Growth (%)

Georgia Proficient/Distinguished Growth (%)

Metro Atlanta Proficient/Distinguished Growth (%)

3rd Grade Reading




4th Grade Reading




5th Grade Reading




6th Grade Reading




7th Grade Reading




8th Grade Reading





This past school year, MCS led the metro Atlanta area in “High Growth,” as measured by the newly developed GaDOE Student Growth Model, which looks at student progress from 3rd to 4th grade on the Georgia English Language Arts (ELA) Milestones. MCS is also recognized as 18th in the state of Georgia on this same measure and grade level.

"After student and staff safety, literacy is our top priority in Marietta," said Board Chair Jeff DeJarnett. "Our MCS Board of Education has developed and approved a budget that supports every student in reaching their fullest reading and writing potential. I am proud of the continued success of our students and remain grateful to all our educators in Marietta."

Several schools in Marietta achieved top state rankings, most notably Marietta Center for Advanced Academics (MCAA) and West Side Elementary. Of the more than 1,250 elementary schools in Georgia, relative to “Proficient” and “Distinguished” Learners in 3rd Grade, MCAA ranked #2 and West Side ranked #3. On this same measure in 4th grade and 5th grade, MCAA ranked #3 and #4, respectively.

MCS's elementary success is due in part to Literacy and Justice for All (LJFA), a community-wide and United Way-funded effort to support every child in Marietta in reaching their fullest reading potential. MCS has a training partner in the Atlanta Speech School, the nation's most comprehensive center for language and literacy, to create a language-centered ecosystem and learning environment. The Marietta Board of Education’s investments in reading specialists and other resources have further fueled this success.

In reviewing year-over-year data on Georgia Milestones across all grade levels and content areas, Marietta improved in 12 of 13 content areas. Notable MCS achievement gains were observed in the following:

  • 8th Grade Social Studies: 15% increase in “Proficient” and “Distinguished” Learners (compared to 1% for the state of Georgia and 2% for metro Atlanta)

  • Physical Science: 88% of students scored “Proficient” and “Distinguished” (compared to 51% in the state of Georgia and 49% for metro Atlanta)

  • Biology: 8% increase in “Proficient” and “Distinguished” Learners (compared to no change for the state of Georgia and a 1% decrease for metro Atlanta)

“The continued growth and success of our students is a direct result of the shared values and vision in Marietta,” said Superintendent Grant Rivera. “Our educators are among the very best, pouring their time, talent, and energy into our students each and every day. I am equally grateful to the MCS families and community partners who support their children and our schools.”

For a complete list of MCS test results, click here.

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