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Charter System

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Charter System Information


Marietta City Schools (MCS) became one of Georgia’s first Charter Systems in June 2008. The MCS charter system includes twelve schools: one early learning center, seven K-5 elementary schools, one sixth grade academy, one middle school, one high school, and one grades 3-5 elementary magnet school (Marietta Center for Advanced Academics).

MCS also has an alternative program for grades 9-12 at the Marietta Performance Learning Center at Woods-Wilkins. This program is not listed as a “school” to be converted under the charter system. The school district also includes one SB 618 residential treatment center: George W. Hartmann Center. This residential treatment center operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with MCS and the Georgia Department of Education.

Your Charter System in Action

School Choice

Through a strategic planning process begun in 2006, MCS has already implemented certain system-wide innovations. One of these is elementary school choice. Curriculum at our elementary schools is based on the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).

For the 2025-26 school year the following schools are accepting choice applications:

Marietta Center for Advanced Academics (MCAA) is a STEAM magnet school and does not accept choice applications. For information on applying to the MCAA Magnet Program, please visit MCAA Application Procedures.

The Choice Academies concept extends to the middle schools; students can continue in the IB Middle Years Program (MYP), or in the STEM magnet program. In high school, MCS students can select from career pathways, IB diploma/certificate, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), or early college programs.

Innovations - Charter System

Charter System Innovator of the Year

The Charter System Foundation Innovation Award recognizes the system that demonstrates instructional innovations in the classroom, schoolhouse, or  system-wide level with a focus on unique programs that increase student interest and drive achievement. MCS was selected to receive this award for the innovative Graduate Marietta Student Success Center, a one-of-a-kind program at Marietta High School.

MCS Charter innovations include:

  • 8th to 9th grade transition academy,
  • Addition of new career pathways at the high school level,
  • Digital student portfolios,
  • Enhanced classroom experiences and authentic assessments,
  • Expansion of the role of School Governance Teams—converting advisory local school councils into “highly trained and high performing” governing bodies,
  • Exploration of horticulture, ecology, teacher preparation, and other emerging career pathways,
  • Financial incentives for teaching in areas of critical need,
  • Graduate Marietta Student Success Center
  • Increased individualization through differentiation,
  • Internships and early college pathways,
  • Looping cohorts,
  • Small learning communities,
  • Teacher innovation grants and performance incentives,
  • Teacher leadership academy,
  • Use of career inventories in upper elementary and middle grades,
  • Web-based learning and assessment.


Dr. Grant Rivera
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (770) 422-3500, ext. 7253

Chuck Gardner
Chief Academic Officer
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (770) 422-3500, ext. 7268
