Guidelines and Regulations
Immunization Requirements/Information
Children attending any childcare facility, pre-kindergarten, Head Start program, nursery, or school in Georgia are required to have Form 3231 (PDF) on file. This includes public and private operations and all enterprises, educational programs, and institutions involved in the care, supervision, or instruction of children. Certificates are required for all children through grade 12.
Read the general Immunization Requirements for Georgia Child Care and School Attendance.
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
In Georgia, all children born on or after January 1, 2002, who are attending seventh grade, and children who are new entrants into a Georgia school in grades eight through twelve, must have received one dose of Tdap vaccine and one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine to fulfill immunization requirements.
11th Grade Immunization Requirements
All students entering or transferring into 11th grade, and who are already 16, will need proof of a meningococcal booster shot (MCV4).
Religious Exemption
In the state of Georgia, if there is a religious objection to the vaccination of a child, a completed affidavit on Form 2208 (PDF) is required. After completion of the affidavit, the parent or legal guardian must have the form filed with the school or childcare facility the child will be attending as legal documentation of exemption from the required immunizations mentioned above.
Laws and Regulations
Official Code of Georgia Annotated O.C.G.A. § 20-2-771: Requirements for Attendance at Child Care/School Facilities and Certification of Immunizations
DPH Rules and Regulations for Schools and Childcare Facilities, Chapter 511-2-2 (PDF)